“Very interesting to know the required behaviours of a leader to lead, influence and motivate others.”
“Speaker is very very experienced” “Interesting and relevant”
“Great topic, well presented. Felt like a couple hours content delivered succinctly”
“Excellent speaker and fun presentation” “Interesting topic, engaging speaker”
“Engaging presenter, insightful topic and content. Leadership is a key quality for senior finance roles. Hence highly relevant.”
“Excellent presenter and for me completely new material” “very well presented by Simon”
“The topic was really interesting. Lots of food for thought.”
“Excellent topic and engaging presenter. Only skimmed the surface and perhaps tried to cover too much in the short time, would be interested to learn more”
Neuroscience of Leadership, Coaching and People Engagement Seminar
Moir Group
July 28, 2017
The Neuroscience of Leadership, Coaching and People Engagement